For our final painting this quarter, the assignment was to take an every day object, blow it up in size till it was nearly unrecognizable, and paint it in 'discordant' colors. I chose an Arabic coffee pot, and at first my teacher said it just wouldn't work. She said it would be nearly impossible to make a coffee pot interesting to look at. She did say, however, that I was welcome to prove her wrong. I was terrified at the prospect, but a challenge is a challenge. 
On critique day I sat my painting up with everyone elses, in a large semi-circle around the room, and we started to discuss each persons painting, right down the line. When she got to my coffee pot, my teacher said "Who would have known that a boring old coffee pot could be so interesting. You really did prove me wrong, and I love it when people can do that." I was on top of the world that day, and I have signed up for oil painting again in the Fall!
Take a look at my 'boring old coffee pot' and let me know what you think.